Welcome! We are thrilled you landed at our membership page and perhaps have interest in joining CCSL. There are two types of membership within CCSL:
Member at large: Anyone can join our listserv and attend most meetings. Members at large may join committees, and bring forward concerns to improve the Latino experience for students, faculty, or staff on campus.
Executive Committee: A maximum of 30 individuals are invited to serve on the executive board. The composition aims to have representation of faculty, civil service, academic professionals, and students at the undergraduate and graduate level. This committee works proactively on the recruitment/retention of Latino students, faculty, and staff, and supports Latino efforts on campus and in our communities. Individuals on the executive committee commit to leadership positions in enhancing cultural diversity on campus and bringing about a greater awareness of Latino assets through cultural, educational, and political events or initiatives. Nominations to serve on an executive committee become available near the end of the spring semester.
Locations and links are shared on the CCSL listserv and/or communicated via email directly to executive committee members, should you have questions after joining the listserve please send an email to the co-chairs at: