
CCSL Sub-Committees
Eight Subcommittee's include:
Hilda López-Arce Scholarship: Each year the Hilda López-Arce Scholarship Selection Committee awards a $500 scholarship to a Latinx student who exhibits leadership qualities and who has made contributions to the Latinx community. Committee member responsibilities include promoting the scholarship on student platforms, selecting candidates, working with financial aid to disburse funding and collecting information to assist in recognizing the information in conjunction with the CCSL awards banquet or some other recognition event.
CCSL Recognition Awards: CCSL Recognition Awards were established as a celebratory recognition moment for Latinx community members - 5 awards are awarded annually to a faculty member, an academic professional, a civil service employee, a graduate student, and an undergraduate student. Subcommittee members are responsible for promoting nominations, reviewing applications, making decisions and assisting in organizing the recognition awards event as well as event promotion.
Latina Network: The Latina Network subcommittee serves to improve employment and advancement opportunities for Latinas at UIC. The committee organizes workshops, events and social activities to create community among UIC Latinas and is dedicated to Latina success. This committee will work in collaboration with the Women's Leadership Resource Center (WLRC) and other campus & community organizations focusing on Latina women's advancement, networking and support.
Website and Publications: The website and publications subcommittee is responsible for updating and maintaining the website and CCSL publications. The subcommittee reviews website change requests, assigns updates and design tasks to subcommittee members. The subcommittee is also responsible to review site content for outdated materials and
recommend changes and updates to the CCSL board.
Data: The Data Subcommittee is tasked with the promotion, sharing, and use of UIC data for CCSL reports, publications, presentations. The subcommittee works to ensure that data related to Latinx's at UIC is shared with the committee. The subcommittee will make recommendations for data collection and reporting. This committee will also serve as a resource for other subcommittee's seeking information for their various charges.
Latinx Faculty and Staff Representation and Retention: The Latinx Faculty and Staff Representation and Retention subcommittee is one of three CCSL priorities subcommittees that are responsible for creating a short report for the CCSL Spring meeting with the Chancellor. This committee will focus on addressing issues of inclusion of Latinos within academic and administrative searches, employment, retention, promotion, tenure and advancement concerns. This committee will work to identify problems within the retention and representation of Latinx faculty and staff and work to solve issues related to those concerns.
Support for Latinx Student Success: The Support for Latinx Student Success Subcommittee is one of three CCSL priorities subcommittees that are responsible for creating a short report for the CCSL Spring meeting with the Chancellor. The committee contributes to increasing access to higher education opportunities for Latinos and the inclusion of the Latino perspective in the curriculum leading toward successful graduation. Subcommittee members are responsible for identifying areas for improvement towards this mission, outlining the needs, and possible solutions.
Safe and Equitable Environments for Latinx Community: The Safe and Equitable Environments for Latinxs subcommittee is one of the three CCSL priorities subcommittees that are responsible for creating a short report for the CCSL Spring meeting with the Chancellor. This committee will focus on the needs of our diverse student body and the ways in which CCSL can support spaces like the Rafael Cintrón Ortiz Latino Cultural Center (LCC), Latin American Recruitment and Educational Services (LARES), Rigo Padilla-Pérez Undocumented Student Resource Center, Hispanic Center of Excellence, and Department of Latin American and Latino Studies. These academic and student resources are key to the recruitment, retention and persistence of Latinx students. However, the growth of these resources is stagnant and misaligned with our growing Latinx student population. This subcommittee will work closely with these resources and student organizations to strategize with CCSL and advocate for more equitable institutional support.